Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Top Ten Summer TBR's : Top Ten Tuesday

It's been a long time since I hopped into this meme, and I miss it.  So now, with the school year's end firmly in my sights, I give you my Top 10 summer to-be-reads. 

Expect reviews in July and/or August, and do steer me away from any that you've found lacking or push me toward those high on your own best-reads list!

1.  Every Day by David Levithan.  Amazing YA author, first-class editor, and fellow Brown alum.  Plus it's a book group book:  score!

2.  11/22/63 by Stephen King.  Potboiler meets JFK alt-reality novel.  And it's my first Stephen King in a decade, at least!  Excited!!!  Another book group book, for August.

3.  Wildwood by Colin Meloy.  One of my frosh recommended this YA fantasy highly, and I admire Colin's sister Maile Meloy's short fiction, so it's my first "no other reason but desire" summer TBR.  Plus it takes place in Portland, through which I'll pass while reading it, so locale works too.

4.  A Beautiful Truth by Colin McAdam.  My obsession with great apes continues, and this new novel is this year's fodder for cogitation.  It promises a fresh spin on the humans-adopt-a-chimp trope to be found with increasing frequency in documentaries and novels alike. 

5 and 6.  This Is Paradise by Kristiana Kahakauwila and  Late Lights by Kara Weiss indulge my short story appetite.  The former promises Hawaiian settings and themes while the latter may hit all too close to home with tales of dysfunctional high school students.  Both have readers buzzing, so bring 'em on!

7.  The Illustion of Separateness by Simon Van Booy.  Back to WWII fiction with a debut novel getting raves.

8.  Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.  You know this novel, but I don't.  Yet. 

9.  Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris.  It's summer: You gotta get some funny.  And this one's a download from Audible.com with Sedaris reading his own work: It doesn't get any better than that.

10.  The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.  Another recommendation from many of my students.  I'm looking forward to reading this one as I ease back into thoughts of September...

MFB, and please join me in conversation about any and all of these books!

p.s.  What's your top pick for a summer 2013 read?  What do you think of my list?  

So many thanks to the women of The Broke and the Bookish who keep this community-building meme going month after month.


TP said...

I read the first 2 books you mentioned and really enjoyed the - especially 11/22/63. But hope you enjoy all your reads this summer :-)

Tanya Patrice

kathy said...

My book club is reading Every Day, too! I didn't really care for it, but I think it makes for an excellent discussion. :)

Sash and Em said...

LOVED Every day! Hope you do too!

Anonymous said...

I read 11/22/63 and I really want to read Levithan's book. I'm curious about Wallflower but wonder if it's been overhyped (or I'm too old for it, which is true of lots of what I read).

My summer favorites so far: Eleanor & Park and Where'd You Go Bernadette. Up next: Isabelle Allende's new book, Maya's Notebook.

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