Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What Would You Do? The Five Best Books. Period.

Your challenge:  You've got to choose just 5 great works of world literature to pass on to the next generation of young people. 

What would you pick?  Which ones would you offer to teens to inspire the next generation of global readers??
The must-read novels, poetry, truly literary non-fiction, drama, etc. from non-Western writers (or at least, for the purposes of this question today, non-American and non-British)... What are the top five you'd want to shape the future?
And for the purposes of this question, works that might be appropriate for - say - high school students, 10th graders to be exact...

Please help me create an inspiring reading list for my students next year - and for me this summer - by suggesting your favorites!  Classics to contemporary from all over the globe, as many as you want to enthuse about today.

With gratitude for your help in answering this pressing question for me, and - as always - MFB,

p.s.  I'm making some adjustments to my weekly features here at What She Read and, realizing the wealth of expertise and good taste I have in those of you who so kindly and regularly visit here, I want to share those riches in turn.  So I'm going to try a "What Should I Do? Wednesday" meme with reading-related dilemmas:  Please respond today in the comments below, and if y'all take to this meme, I'll start putting a linky in next week.  And I'd be happy to post your reading dilemmas/questions too!

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